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Sunday, December 3, 2006

[NEWS Flash] [[firstname]], Happy Holidays from Janet and Don Legere at CLB

Email sent to my personal contact list with notice of the special Holiday Packages now available at Contact List Builder.

SUBJECT: [NEWS Flash] [[firstname]], Happy Holidays from Janet and Don Legere at CLB


Hello [[firstname]],

Thank you for subscribing to my contact list.
You'll find instructions at the end if you wish
to unsubscribe.

Thank you for subscribing to my contact list.
You'll find instructions at the end if you wish
to unsubscribe.

Janet Legere here. I must admit that I can hardly
believe it's already the 3rd of December. Where
has this year gone?

Has it been a prosperous one for you? It's a good
idea to take stock of your progress and make any
necessary changes so that you can be ready for the
new year.

January to March are traditionally one of the
busiest times of year online and if you want to
capitalize on those three months then you need to
be ready.

Don and I wanted to begin our Holiday celebrations
early and offer you some deep deep discounts on
my ever popular Contact List Builder resources.

We put together 3 separate packages to suit most
needs and most budgets. We believe there is
something for everyone and welcome you to head
over and check it out at:

Those who take advantage early will have a head
start on capitalizing on that extra activity that
will be happening in January.

Successful people are the people who do the things
they don't necessarily like doing - are you ready to
do those challenging tasks?

I'm here to help you make sense of it and help you
focus your skills and abilities where best.

If you follow the steps I lay out and you don't
see growth in your business then I will gladly
refund your money. My goal is not to make money
from you .. my goal is to offer top value for the
services I share.

Let's get you on the right track today. Start here:

I will be around most of the day tomorrow and all
throughout the week. Please connect with me on
msn, yahoo or skype and I'll be happy to answer your
questions and help you make the right choice for
your business needs.

Success is up to you and I can be your guide to
help you make better decisions and learn the skills
you need to move your business forward.

I'll be watching for you. Have a great day!

Warmest regards,

Janet and Don Legere
The Contact List Builder Team

P.S. [[firstname]], Before you go ... check out
my upcoming workshops this week. We have a
PayItForward4Profits workshop on Monday and
I'd love to see you there! Visit:


Calgary, Alberta, Canada (Mountain Time)
Phone: 1-403-274-2930
Instant Messengers:
msn: (please. no
email here)
yahoo: janetlegere
skype: sykaro


If you are no longer interested in receiving these
personal follow-up messages, you may use the link below.
Thank you for your time, I hope you've learned a tip
or two along the way.

[IMPORTANT] [[firstname]], here is a solution for your leads ...

Email to my personal contact list about an autoresponder solution for optin leads. Another way to build a list!

SUBJECT: [IMPORTANT] [[firstname]], here is a solution for your leads ...

Hello [[firstname]],

Thank you for subscribing to my contact list.
You'll find instructions at the end if you wish
to unsubscribe.

Janet Legere here ~ wow, it is sure nice to
have everyone back from that long Thanksgiving
break in the US - it really quieted things down
online for the last week, did you notice?

I did ... however, it gave me an opportunity
to catch up and look into some resources that
will help you move your business forward.

Many of my members ask me if I know of a
good resource where they can upload leads
and I believe I found a great solution for you.
I've been an active member of TrafficWave for
a very long time. The owner, Brian, is an
upstanding guy and runs a really great program.

He offers great support just like I do :-)

Recently, I started to use the system to upload
my bazillion optin leads I have left over from

These are leads that are older, unused, etc.

I break them up into chunks of 1000 and I
import them into one of theTrafficWave lists
that I created.

What's great is that you aren't limited to
1000 a day, only 1000 per send.

You will receive a confirmation from TrafficWave
that your leads were imported and you are then
allowed to login and import another 1000.

This is a great way to recycle your old leads
and build a contact list at the same time.

I encourage you to take a look, there's a great
income opportunity here and if you use it right,
you can benefit in multiple ways with TrafficWave,
the main benefit being the growth of another list!

Get started here:

It's only $17.95 to take advantage ofthis great resource.
I highly recommend it and you know that I don't
recommend programs nor resources lightly.

Oh, I almost forgot to mention .. I'll even pay your
first month's membership when you follow the
Matrix Buster directions.

So, if you are sitting on some old leads, why not give
this a go ... you may justfind that gem in those leads ...
that one person who will join your businessand
duplicate what you do ... one new member alone can
mean a huge increasein your income.

Get started here now ... remember, your first month
will be free if you follow the directions listed here:

Let me know if you have questions or need help. I'm
available on msn, yahoo and skype if you want to connect.
My ids are listed below.

I will be watching for you. Have a great day!

Janet Legere

P.S. [[firstname]], Before you go ... check out my
upcoming workshops this week. We have an InstantBuzz
workshop tonight and I'd love to see you there!

Success is up to you ... I can be your guide to help you
make good business decisions online.
Calgary, Alberta, Canada (Mountain Time)
Phone: 1-403-274-2930
Instant Messengers:
msn: (please. no email here)
yahoo: janetlegere
skype: sykaro
If you are no longer interested in receiving these
personal follow-up messages, you may use the link
below. Thank you for your time, I hope you've
learned a tip or two along the way.

Friday, December 1, 2006

[[PIF4P]] Part 3 - Response Magic

Email sent to PIF4P downline

Hi ~~firstname~~,

Janet here with information of Part 3 of the Quick Start Guide.

Today, we talk about Response Magic, your auto-responder.

In my mind, this is the key to the system. Here's why:

When someone registers at one of your PayIfForward4Profit websites (there are three), they are automatically subscribed to your autoresponder list ... either PIF4P, 3Step or CFM.

This is powerful for two reasons.

#1. Your new members now begin to receive the pre-written letters designed to encourage them to follow through with the PIF4P system. This is where your signups come from in the associated programs. Believe me, it works.

#2. You can now email your new members and follow-up personally, offering your help and support. This encourages even more growth! There's nothing like personal connection to boost a business, trust me.

You'll want to follow the guide closely on Part 3, Your Autoresponder.

Here are the basics of what you will be doing:

1. Signup and upgrade the Response Magic Auto-responder ($17.95 per month) NOTE: When setting up your profile at Response Magic, be sure to enter your "Owners Website" which should be your Primary Business site (we spoke about your primary business in the last session)

2. Once your account is confirmed, your three websites are activated (ie: Please note sometimes it may take up to 24 hours for the new links to start working.). You are now ready to come back to PIF4P and upload the Response Magic emails. There are three separate series (PIF4P, 3Step and CFM), you'll upload each one individually.

3. Once the emails are uploaded, you will login to Response Magic and edit the emails and make sure you have your contact info as you'd like it listed. You can test the messages to make sure they are functioning correctly.

You are now ready to move on and learn to drive traffic to your PIF4P website and begin to build!

I'll cover Part 1 of the Fast Start to Traffic School in my next email when we talk about Traffic Swarm - does it really work?

You are making GREAT progress and will soon be seeing results - meaning new members in PIF4P and new members in the associated programs - continue to be focused!

I'll be around all weekend (off and on), do connect with me on msn, yahoo or skype ok? It really is the best way to get my help.

Have a Great Day!

Janet and Don Legere
Your Reality Team!

P.S. ~~firstname~~, if you feel you are a leader or have leader potential, reply to me and update me on your status with PIF4P. Where are you in the process, what have you completed? Let's connect and move you forward!

========== Our Contact Info ===========

Calgary, Alberta, Canada
1-403-274-2930 (mountain time)

email: or

Instant Messengers (Janet):

msn: (please. no email here)
yahoo: janetlegere
skype: sykaro